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Generate tibbles.


any_tibble(rows = c(1L, 10L), cols = c(1L, 10L), any_na = FALSE)



Number of rows of the generated data frame. If rows is a single number all data frames will have this number of rows. If rows is a numeric vector of length 2 it will produce data frames with rows between a minimum and maximum, inclusive. For example rows = c(1L, 10L) would produce data frames with rows between 1 and 10. To produce empty tibbles set rows = 0L or a range like rows = c(0L, 10L).


Number of columns of the generated data frame. If cols is a single number all data frames will have this number of columns. If cols is a numeric vector of length 2 it will produce data frames with columns between a minimum and maximum, inclusive. For example cols = c(1L, 10L) would produce data frames with columns between 1 and 10. To produce empty tibbles set cols = 0L or a range like cols = c(0L, 10L).


Whether NA values should be allowed.


A quickcheck_generator object.


any_tibble(rows = 3L, cols = 3L) %>% show_example()
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   ...1      ...2       ...3     
#>   <list>    <date>     <list>   
#> 1 <fct [1]> 1882-05-26 <lgl [1]>
#> 2 <fct [1]> 2942-11-09 <lgl [1]>
#> 3 <fct [1]> 2743-12-12 <lgl [1]>