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A set of generators for character vectors.


character_(len = c(1L, 10L), any_na = FALSE, any_empty = FALSE)

character_letters(len = c(1L, 10L), any_na = FALSE, any_empty = FALSE)

character_numbers(len = c(1L, 10L), any_na = FALSE, any_empty = FALSE)

character_alphanumeric(len = c(1L, 10L), any_na = FALSE, any_empty = FALSE)



Length of the generated vectors. If len is a single number all vectors will have this length. If len is a numeric vector of length 2 it will produce vectors with lengths between a minimum and maximum, inclusive. For example len = c(1L, 10L) would produce vectors with lengths between 1 and 10. To produce empty vectors set len = 0L or a range like len = c(0L, 10L).


Whether NA values should be allowed.


Whether empty character values should be allowed.


A quickcheck_generator object.


character_() %>% show_example()
#> [1] "8]^E*x" "whP"    "x"      "bv"     "h`~"    "O"      "Z4$:"  
character_(len = 10L, any_na = TRUE) %>% show_example()
#>  [1] "hQ"       "0&.<"     "{^"       "|V\\qgO`" "'!sUh4-"  NA        
#>  [7] NA         "uGx2~"    NA         NA        
character_(len = 10L, any_empty = TRUE) %>% show_example()
#>  [1] ""         ""         "+"        "[(??n"    "-qhP78"   ""        
#>  [7] "~Feh"     "!#Jw:d~K" ""         "zC"